KVCC Instructional Technology Committee

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February 17, 2015 - ITC Meeting Agenda

Present: Barbara Bartley, Kevin Casey, Kathy Englehart, Toni Fredette (Chair), Jim Guillemette, Mark Kavanaugh, Stephen LaRochelle, Barbara Larsson, Marcia Parker, Nicholas Runco, Heidi Wheeler, Marjorie York, Don Trask

Agenda Item

Toni introduces the meeting and the agenda.

Role and Purpose

Should be documentation in the Portal.

4.01-23 in the Policy Manual

PDF copy and send to everyone for records. (Mark K will do this)

We will all review and bring any concerns and ideas to the next meeting.

Learning Management System

Kevin Casey presents on Bb

Presented Technology Goals and Objectives. (Handout)

Academic Technology "plan" would overlap the IT plan in Strategic Goal #4

Need to enter a process of evaluating different LMS options. We need to do a procurement by Summer.

Open source MLS would require staffing.

Kathy and Mark expressed concerns about change from what we are already using...organization issues are inconsistent...we do not provide support to students to learn Bb.

Kathy suggests that we survey Faculty and how we use Bb. Maybe get information from Students as well.

Jim G brings us questions about standardization of the look and feel of Bb classes.

We could include data from Students experience of different Bb courses along with IT categorizations of support tickets.

Barbara B. discussed about timing a transition to a new LMS.

Transition plans within departments need to occur.

Kevin C put forth that EDUCAUSE has resources from other schools who have gone through this process.

Kathy and Nick support that disability services would be one of the issues we need to explore in our LMS.

Kevin will investigate the process of extending our relationship with Bb for the time being while we develop a process for evaluating our LMS decision.

We will need to survey the ways in which we use Bb now in order to develop a list of features and services we would need regardless of which LMS we choose.

Movement to develop a survey. Group includes Marge York, Kathy Englehart, Marcia Parker and Mark Kavanaugh.

(Data collection ompleted by March 23 )

Kevin will get out information related to the Institutional use of Suvey Monkey.

We will develop a shared document for people to post items that we should research when making our decision about LMSs. (Toni will create this document)


Distance Learning

Might be closely related to LMS discussion.

Marge and Mark discussed marketing issues with the online programs. They are not marketing to a wide enough market.

Kathy E stated that we need to get data on retention for online classes/programs.

Marge - we need to look at student abilities and skills before they can take an online class.

Barbara L. mentioned SARA, a multistate consortium to share online courses.

Toni will get Lisa Y-L to get an update as to courses and programs online.
Technology Training Plan Creation

Kevin C - Focus of the training plans is more generic (but includes LMS and online teaching).

Included training for onboarding new Faculty and Students.

Kathy E stated that we used to do an assessment of every Faculty's need for professional development.

Programs, Departments may develop a training plan regarding technology.

Nick brought up the idea of having a technology plan and process for students as well.

Kevin C will construct a survey to gather data on needs.

Program heads need to have discussion with staff to determine needs as well.

Next Meeting March 23 - 8am