KVCC Instructional Technology Committee

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November 16, 2016 - ITC Meeting Agenda

Present: Kathy Englehart, Nick Runco, Toni Fredette (Chair), Marcia Parker, Kevin Casey, Mark Kavanaugh, Heide Wheeler, Christy Johnson, Steve Duren

Agenda Item
Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes

Motion to accept the minutes.


Review of Mission and Purpose

Steve D. what is the relationship between this discussion and the larger discussion about committee restructure?

Toni F. we will be talking about that later.

We will await more information on the committee restructure before we move forward with this initiative.

Kevin C. presented list of issues and uses of LMS

Presents criteria for considering features of different LMSs.

Review of the different sets of criteria. Some comment on the title and wording of the "Pedagogical Design"

Mark K. suggests we look at the LMS ability to create a College Template or templates.

Review of each criteria.

Kevin C. and Mark K. Suggestions about e-Portfolio outside of an LMS.

Steve D. how to create a portfolio should be independent of software.

Kathy E. Discussion about the need for archives of specific assessments across courses and programs. May not be in the LMS.

Grade book discussion, among other tools.

Kathy E. what tools do we use in Bb and how valuable are they for learning. We may need a list of the different features.

Kathy E. reviewed the existing survey that was done. Is there anything on this survey that we missed?

Toni F and Kevin C suggest the next survey be the list of features and then an open ended question about features that may not be available in our current LMS.

Moving into next semester we can invite potential LMSs to do presentations.

Kevin will integrate discussions into a revised list of criteria to consider.

We will continue the review of this list in the next meeting.

List of "Bells and Whistles" and features to be distributed to Faculty for consideration.

Review the current survey for data that can be derived from that. Share these results with Faculty.

Motion to include an open ended question of a "must have feature" either one that exists in our current LMS or one they WISHED existed in our LMS.

Mark K will construct survey for students and Faculty based on material from Kevin C. and Christy J.


Committee Restructure and the future of the ITC

Toni F. met with Erica and discussed emerging role of the ITC in the new proposed committee structure.

Academics and Institutional Resources are two areas that the ITC could be housed.

Agenda items were sent to the Committee Restructuring Committee.

Kathy C. The Committee are currently working on three proposed committee structures. Work is slow.

Toni F suggests we continue to focus on Mission and Purpose and our LMS.

All agreed to move forward with current Mission and Purpose and LMS agenda items.
Proctor U

Kathy E. discussed this product which monitors "cheating behaviors" through a camera when a student is taking an exam.

Increased security for Online testing.
Suggest a demo in the Spring.