KVCC Instructional Technology Committee

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March 20, 2017 - ITC Meeting Agenda

Present: Kevin Casey, Mark Kavanaugh, Jim Guillmette, Barbar Bartley, Nick Runco, Ann Davis, Toni Fredette

Agenda Item
Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes




Followed up with mention of Chair position on looking into a new LMS.

Kevin C. we have a comprehensive list of criteria. How do we find out which features are important.

Mark K. proposes that we create goals and standards for what we expect from our online learning strategy.

Toni R. we need to look at limitations of the MCCS expectations, and issues with the online courses from Accreditation.

Toni F. we can move forward with feature list...Faculty and Adjunct.

For nursing the issue is with Assessment. We need to know what they would like differently.

Kevin C. talks about our contract being expired. We are on a year to year basis.

Barbara reviewed some issues from NEASC

We need lists of functionalities specific to the LMS and then functionalities specific to the needs of other parts of the College.

Examples: Online course evaluations, IT needs, Institutional Assessment needs.

We need these lists prior to the next meeting.

Next meeting we will review the lists of both LMS and other features.
Committee Restructuring

Kathy E. the ITC will probably fall into the Institutional Effectiveness Committee.

May fall into more than one committee.

It could be sub-committee based on current measures.

We need to look at our bullet-list of items and determine which committees these align with.

No specific to do items
Online Proctering

Proctor U?

Provides a system of monitoring students who are taking exams.

Larger issues of security and authenticity about online courses.

"Identity Management" in Online learning is a continuing issue.

Kevin will check with Kathy regarding Proctor U.