KVCC Instructional Technology Committee

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April 19, 2017 - ITC Meeting Agenda

Present: Mark Kavanaugh, Jim Guillmette, Barbar Bartley, Nick Runco, Ann Davis, Toni Fredette, Steve Duren

Agenda Item
Call to Order, Roll Call, Approval of Minutes


Minutes from last meeting were approved

Proctor U   Tabled as Kevin Casey is not present.
Issues with Outlook (web version) and making attachments

Issues with sending attachments with Outlook Online.

Jim G. expressed that many browsers have decided to not have add-ons, including MS Silverlight.

Should we suggest this issue to IT.

Mark K. stated that Kevin C. had once talked about tranferring our email to gMail.


Motion made for the ITC to communicate this issue with IT and request a solution.
Evaluation Rubric for LMS

Review rubric to finalize criteria for search.

Reviewd the entire rubric and additional items.

Next meeting we will be reviewing the language of the different rubrics.