Lesson 1: The Role of the Student


Here is one humorous take on the factors that you can employ to be a successful student:


Click HERE to view this video directly on YouTube

This is a student created project. Do you find that their humor makes the material more accessible or takes away from the information? Do you agree with their list? What would you add? What would you change?


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Identify the Role of the Student in the College Classroom
  • Differentiate learning in high school from learning in college
  • Identify key factors to your success


Use the arrows at the bottom of the embedded screen to cycle through the presentation. You can also select to make the presentation full screen, if you desire.



Lesson 1 Quiz

This is a one-quesiton quiz. Prepare your answer to the following question and cut and paste it into the space provided in the Lesson 1 Quiz.

Compare the role of the student in college to your experience in high school. How is it similar? How is it different?


  • Write a well developed paragraph comparing and contrasting your role here with your role as a high school student.
  • A well developed paragraph calls for 5-7 sentences at a minimum with an eye on sentence structure, grammar and spelling.

Lesson 1 Discussion

You will find a wealth of information on the Student Success section of our website. This page is particularly relevant to our discussion today:


Here you will find 8 factors that differentiate a successful student from a struggling student. For our lesson discussion, review the list of factors. Select one factor which you feel is one of your best strengths, and one factor which you feel is a current weakness.

The requirement for discussion participation is that you submit a main post answering the prompt and that you reply to at least one other student's posting. Assume that these instrucitons apply to ALL graded discussions in this class...these instructions will not be repeated.

For your main post, discuss these two factors and how they affect you personally. Describe how you will capitalize on your strength to support your success. Describe how you will overcome the current weakness. Draw on the Student Handbook and KV website to locate resources that can help you to gain the knowledge and / or skills you require. Do you feel prepared for this academic journey you have begun?