Lesson 15: Social Mobility


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Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Identify recent trends in social mobility
  • Identify personal goals and efforts to gain social mobility


Economic Mobility

I've attached HERE a document put out by the Economic Mobility Project titled "Economic Mobility: Is the American Dream Still Alive?"

It represents a great analysis of the current status of the "American Dream" and how that dream has changed over the decades. The report is a bit dated so some more recent information is available on the actual web page.

Click HERE to read a recent article on how Social Immobility Erodes the "American Dream"


Lesson 15 Quiz

For this assessment you will need to review the document titled "Economic Mobility: Is the American Dream Alive and Well?"

  1. Do your values agree with the report? Explain. (see p. 2 of the report)
  2. Do we live in a Meritocratic, Fortune Cookie, or Class-Stratified Society? Explain. (see p. 4 of the report)
  3. Will the next generation do worse than the previous? Explain. (see p. 5 of the report)
  4. What impact has YOUR upbringing had on the goals you set? (this is not directly addressed in the report but it is related to it)