Lesson 13: Working in Groups


Groups are an integral part of our lives and how society functions.

Think of the numerous groups that you have been a part of over your lifetime, be they formal groups at school and work or informal social groups comprised of friends or family. Most likely some groups were more successful and provided more satisfying experiences than others. What makes one group effective and another group a “nightmare”? For some being part of a group is embraced, while others may prefer to work alone. But there are many benefits of working in groups. Though there are different types of groups that form for a variety of purposes and needs, our focus will center on formal work teams / groups that function to complete a specific task or solve a problem.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Groups follow developmental stages
  • Awareness of various roles that contribute to group success and failure
  • Groups develop and have norms
  • How conflict and diversity are managed is important to group success
  • Successful groups demonstrate cohesiveness and show commitment to others and the group’s goal
  • The concept of shared leadership and individual responsibility


Please read these extensive Lecture Notes on Working in Groups


Lesson 13 Discussion

Consider a recent work group or team that you were part of and score your own efforts for each of the five areas listed below:

  • Contributes to team meetings
  • Facilitates the contribution of team members
  • Individual contributions outside the team meetings
  • Fosters constructive team climate
  • Responds to conflict