Lesson 13: Health Psychology Attention
“I’M SOO S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D OUT” We’ve all said it or heard it a million times, but what does it mean physiologically to be “stressed?” How does the connection between mind and body determine our behavior? In Module 21, we will take a closer look at “Health Psychology” and explore the physiological reasons for anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and how illness impacts mental well being. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
Teaching Then and Now In the past, the leading causes of death were related to disease associated with infections and viruses. Modern medicine has largely put this to rest. So what is killing us now? If you compare the leading causes of death in 1900 vs 2000 you will see that we are now meeting our ends through our BEHAVIOR rather than by CATCHING something (like a disease). Psychology is becoming more central to the notion of health than ever before. Healthy Behaviors According to the Center for Disease Control the following are the recommendations for a longer life:
Stress and Health We hear a lot about the relationship between stress and health. According to the American Psychological Association, the following are the factors associated with stress and health:
Time Management We are all given 24 hours each day to get what we need to get done completed. Everyone from a small child in Kindergarten to a corporate executive. There are "busy" people and there are not-so-busy people...but I'm referring here more to the PERCEPTION of how busy someone is rather than simply how active someone is. If someone FEELS that they are busy, then for them, they are. So if we have a LOT to accomplish and a LOT we want to get done over time we need to develop skills on how to manage our time so that we can get it all done. One of the MYTHS associated with coming to college is that people can add "taking classes" to their life and simply "fit it in" with all the other things going on. For some this may be true...if they are particularly intelligent or simply "good" at school, then it doesn't take them much effort to add school to their lives simply because they don't have to study a lot...sadly this is NOT true for the majority of students. As you add things to your life you need to become more and more skilled at balancing your time, committing time in your day to get specific tasks completed, and further committed to taking steps to keep yourself happy and relatively stress free...to take care of yourself. Take a look at this document on Effective Time Management This small article asks you to look at how you ACTUALLY use your time...you will need to do a time log to get a real sense of this. How can you use the time you have more effectively? How can you "create" or free-up more time? What are your distractions? Time Analysis Sheet (Use this sheet to see how you are using your time...you might be surprised!) Styles of Dealing with Conflict
Stress Management The first thing that you have to understand about Stress is that it is not a BAD thing! Stress is a major motivator and if you didn't HAVE to get some things done you would never get to them. The issue with stress is the same with time..."management". You are going to be under pressure to perform for most of your life, events will happen that are out of your control, you will be faced with making difficult decisions...all of these are facts of life...how we DEAL with them is a major component of our success in life. The field of Psychology deals deeply with issues around Stress and Stress Management. I've outlined below some basic concepts and thoughts about Stress Management Stress Management Program Uses a variety of strategies to reduce anxiety, fear and stressful experiences.
Factors Associated with Anxiety
Assessment Potential Class Discussion - Otherwise ignore this material Discuss how you might do a better job in managing your own stress. Be specific about what you do now and offer each other ideas as to how might improve your stress management. Remember to relate this to the information above! Potential Class Discussion - Otherwise ignore this material What is “good stress?” How can stress motivate us to succeed? Provide personal examples of how stress has positively impacted your life.