Creative Thinking - Public-Service Announcement - Presentation

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Identify a target audience and information related to a trauma-based issue in their community.
  • Identify a public-service announcement strategy based on characteristics of the target audience for you announcement.
  • Create a public-service announcement and/or educational program.


In this part of the assignment the goal is to actually create the media that will be presented to your audience to communicate your message. The media that you choose is impacted by many variables:

  • What will attract the attention of the target audience?
  • What media best represents the data?
  • What media and/or presentation will have the most emotional and behavioral impact on the audience?
  • Through what media channel will the presentation be delivered (TV, radio, Internet, on the wall of a facility, mailing, etc.)?
  • What are the technical abilities of the announcement developer (you)?

Examples of the media that you create include:

  • Narrated slideshow /presentation
  • Video (TV) commercial
  • Audio (Radio) commercial
  • Poster or a series of posters
  • Website
  • Direct mailing
  • Booklet
  • Training program or curriculum

Click here to review a page of ideas and resources for developing different kinds of public-service announcements.
This is not an exhaustive list and you are encouraged to be creative about this project - that is the POINT!

NOTE: Ultimately your presentation needs to be communicated in a digital format through Blackboard. This may include providing links to files stored on the Internet or you may attach the actual files along with your submission for this assignment.

Presentation Proposal

To help you best identify the media that you will use for your presentation, you will need to submit a proposal to your instructor. This will be in the form of a quiz and will contain the questions below:

  1. Name the topic (describe the relationship as they are described in the examples in the project instructions.)
  2. Describe your plan on how you will deliver your public-service message (be sure to include a detailed description of the medium and the channel).
  3. Describe your reasoning behind your selection. Be sure to make a connection between characteristics of your target audience and your selection.

Submitting Your Presentation

Due to the diverse nature of this assignment submission will need to be worked out on a case by case basis. You will, however, need to submit a paper (MS Word or PDF) to the drop box that meets the criteria outlined in the rubric below. This can be considered a sort-of "cover sheet" for the presentation and does not have to be written in compliance with APA standards.

In addition to this "cover sheet" you should upload copies of your presentation or provide links to the presentation within the cover sheet document itself. Do not paste links into the text box in Blackboard.

Rubric for the Cover Sheet and the Presentation

Use the following rubric to guide your writing of the cover sheet and the development of your presentation.

Title Page
Includes name, course name, semester, date, professor's name, the name of the assignment.
Introduce your topic in a 1-paragraph statement. Be sure to include the relationship between the two variables (i.e. identify how the variables impact one another...such as making a general statement like "Bullying in High School increases the likelihood that teens will use drugs such as alcohol or marijuana.")
Description of Presentation

In this section you are to provide a narrative description of your presentation. You do not need to include the entire script (if there is one) just a summary of the presentation and how it is presented (medium and channel).

Connection to Audience
In this section I want you to identify how this medium and channel best address, attract, and potentially influence your target audience. You need to write a brief narrative describing your thoughts on this. 10

Include a link or simply refer to additional files you may have attached.

The presentation will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Professional appearance
  • Adherence to the expectations of the assignment
  • Effectiveness of the presentation related to target audience
  • Accuracy of data presented
  • Creative use of media to communicate a message
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, etc.