Lesson 1: Introduction and Orientations


This first lesson is really like using a compass…you are getting your bearings in this online class, finding out where things are, and getting the lay of the land!

It is vital that you read all the documents that have been provided in this course to get a feel for all the complexity of this online class. And, I said "complexity", not "complex". It is not DIFFICULT to get around, there is just a lot here so you need to spend some time getting to know it. Sort of like exploring a city instead of a small town!

In each of these Lesson Plans you will see this same organization of material...an "Attention Getter" like this one...then a listing of the Learning Outcomes (what I expect you will be able to do when we are done with this lesson plan), the Teaching material for you to review, and finally the Assessment activities that are going to allow you to demonstrate that you GOT the Learning Outcomes.


In preparation for this Lesson, read Chapter 1 in your textbook

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Navigate the Blackboard interface
  • Describe the overall nature of the course
  • Describe the various types of assignments that they will need to do


. Review all the documents in the first page links, Course Navigator, Content, Practice Sessions, and Final links and familiarize yourself with all the functions of Blackboard.

Spend the time to search around the site and get the "lay of the land". You need to do this so that the "technology" is not a barrier to your success.


No assessment for this Lesson