Practice Session Instructions

JUST KIDDING...we won't be diagnosing you here!
In order to demonstrate your proficiency in the skills that I teach in this class, I will need to watch you in action! To this end we are going to harness the power of some pretty nifty technology!
You will be participating in online-virtual counseling sessions through video conferencing software. This means that you are going to have ensure that your computer has a camera and microphone so you can participate in these sessions (you will have to experiment with more mobile devices such as smart phones or iPads to see if they work).

How to set up and manage your own WebEx account
Basic Instructions
The basic requirement is for you to participate in (and record) 5 counseling sessions where YOU are the counselor. There is no limit as to how many times you will play the client. You may meet with different people through the semester or you may meet with the same individual.
This class is meant to teach you the basic interviewing and counseling skills needed to be a Case Manager. While in the later part of the class we are going to cover advanced counseling skills, we will always view these in light of the role of the Case Manager.
In these sessions you (the counselor) are going to role-play the Case Manager of your peer (the client).
The role of the client is every bit as important as the counselor in this role play. When you are playing the client I want you to create a scenario in which you have a specific problem that needs to be solved. You should create a fairly complex "back-story" of both your history and the details of the problem. You are not supposed to be "difficult" but you should also not be too easy going. Remember, you want your "counselor" to learn how to do this stuff!
Your "problem" can be just about anything:
- Financial issues
- Social skills
- ADL skills
- Crisis (like you are being evicted - no crisis intervention sessions - that is a different class!)
- Goal accomplishment (new apartment, new job, new partner, etc.)
- Roommate issues
- Benefits issues (like you just lost your Medicaid)
The second role of the client is, at the end of the session, to provide feedback to the counselor as to how they did. This feedback basically review the content of this Client Feedback Form.
When you are the "counselor" you are going to role play the "Case Manager" so you can create a back story as well. Your agency, how long you have been there, etc. etc.
The basic scenario is that you have been called in to visit your "client" because they have a new "problem" that they need help with. You may know them already (if that is what you have worked out with your partner) or you may have to get to know them. It is not uncommon that we know little more about our new clients than the fact that they DO have a diagnosis (we might not even know what it is).
Your basic task is to conduct the session using the skills outlined in this course to help the person come up with a plan to address the issue. The plan can be just about anything as long as it addresses the issue that the client has brought to you.
At the end of each session you will complete the corresponding Counseling Session Quiz.
How this is going to happen...
Here is how I suggest we go about doing this...however, this is subject to change based on how it works.
- When you are ready to be the COUNSELOR in a session you will post that fact in the Clinic Discussion board.
- Use the discussion board to recruit and set up a time to meet with a CLIENT using video conferencing (give yourself an entire hour).
- The COUNSELOR will then set up a meeting in their WebEx account and send an invitation to thier CLIENT's KVCC email (you have to use emails outside of Blackboard for this to work.)
- Each of you will receive an email containing a link to your meeting room in WebEx.
- When the meeting starts the HOST who is the COUNSELOR, will have control over the RECORD button. When you are both ready to start recording, click the button.
- You will conduct and record the counseling session (minimum of 7 minutes - yes, you need to learn how to have a conversation and build a relationship!)
- After the actual practice counseling session is done, the CLIENT will review the content of the Client Feedback Form with the COUNSELOR (this will aslo be recorded)
- Once that is complete you can end the recording and the session. End the session by clicking the "End Meeting" button on the WebEx interface.
- The COUNSELOR will send me a link to the recorded session. (see below...)
- The COUNSELOR will then complete the corresponding Counseling Session Quiz for the appointment (see below for the questions on the quiz...each quiz has the same questions)
- The COUNSELOR emails me to tell me they have completed the quiz and it is ready for grading. You must complete your quiz within 24 hours of having completed the session (I suggest doing immediately after the session).
To send me a link to your recorded session:
- Go into WebEx
- Click on Files
- Click on Meeting Recordings
- Click on the one you want to send me
- The screen will then give you an interface and on the right you will see a "Send Link" button...
- Click that and send the link to my KVCC address.
Providing Good Feedback
When you are a CLIENT it is vital that you provide constructive and useful criticism. This is not a "feel good" and "I want to boost your confidence" time...this is a "I want you to be a good enough counselor so that I can trust you with my kids" moment!
However, be constructive not destructive. I will be watching this interaction through the recorded video so I will know if you are doing it or not and I will contact you if it needs to improve.
Counseling Session Quiz
For each session you need to complete a quiz. Links to these quizzes are located in The Clinic. Each quiz contains the exact same questions.
- Provide the name of your client, the date and time of your session, and a general summary of what happened. - 20 pts.
- Identify Skill #1 (multiple choice) - no points
- Explain how you feel you did with this skill (good or bad) and the impact it may have had in the session (impact on the session or impact on what you feel you need to do to improve) - 20 pts.
- Identify Skill #2 (multiple choice) - no points
- Explain how you feel you did with this skill (good or bad) and the impact it may have had in the session (impact on the session or impact on what you feel you need to do to improve) - 20 pts.
- Identify Skill #3 (multiple choice) - no points
- Explain how you feel you did with this skill (good or bad) and the impact it may have had in the session (impact on the session or impact on what you feel you need to do to improve) - 20 pts.
- Provide a general reflection on the session, your skills, and what needs to improve - 20 pts.
General Policies
- It is YOUR responsibility to make the time and effort to ensure success in this part of the class.
- Technology problems do not excuse you from a responsibility to complete this assignment
- Face-to-face meetings are NOT allowed. All sessions must be conducted in the software
- You are to take this seriously...failing to do so will result in being immediately removed from the class and receiving a failing grade
- You need to conduct your sessions in a quite, isolated area with no interruptions...tell your family, tell your kids, get a babysitter...this is school time for you...I don't want your cat jumping into the screen!
- Be aware that when you are sitting in front of a web cam your partner can see everything going on behind you...if your kids want to make devil horns or your partner wants to streak across the screen it will be seen by everyone (I might even post it to YouTube! - not really!)
- Stay positive...yes, this is a technical challenge...but it also part of the future of the work we do.