Lesson 6: Encouraging / Paraphrasing / Summarizing


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Identify key words in a client statement
  • Demonstrate the ability to paraphrase a client's statements
  • Demonstrate the ability to summarize a client's statements



Listening is NOT a passive exercise!

How do we communicate that we are listening to someone?

  • Verbal tracking
  • Questions
  • Encouraging
  • Paraphrasing
  • Summarizing


  • Repetition of key words
  • Direct statements
  • Simply reflecting what they are saying to you


  • Restating the main point of a statement
  • Shortening a longer statement into a brief one
  • Using sentence stems such as "It seems to me that...", "What I hear you saying is..."


  • Bringing things together into a cohesive sentence or paragraph


Lesson 6 Quiz

One of the important ways we communicate to our clients that we are listening is through the use of encouragement, paraphrasing, and summarizing. All the while we are continually tracking what they are saying and providing feedback that we are "there" with them.

  1. Engage in a conversation with someone in your home this week and then describe that conversation in detail.
  2. Write a 2 sentence "summary" of the conversation that you feel communicates the essence of the conversation.