Essays on Poverty

As you can see, these contemporary classifications retain an emphasis on the ownership and manipulation of the means of production and on what one does for work. Considering the importance placed on occupation in the US, it is clear why some status positions within our society are much more highly esteemed than others. Inequality in the US The unequal distribution of wealth and power in the US has resulted in a number of problems. Studies have indicated that:

  • As people’s economic status increases so does their health status, life expectancy and have less risk for chronic illness
  • Access to health insurance varies
  • Lack of affordable housing and substandard housing are brought on by economic inequality
  • Education opportunities differ (we will discuss this when we discuss education itself)
  • Completion of high school and college are related to poverty and economic troubles.

It is difficult to contemplate poverty in the US after a study of the global distribution of wealth.However, there are different kinds of poverty.

Absolute Poverty is when people do not have the means to secure the most basic necessities of life.

Relative Poverty is when people may be able to afford basic necessities but still are unable to maintain an average standard of living.

In the US, many of us have experienced the kind of poverty that is described in the second definition.We look around and we sense differences in the ability individuals have to acquire an average lifestyle…as much as these may be due to choices and life chances, some are related to social issues within the US.

Who are the Poor in the US?

Those who suffer from poverty the most indicate to us issues present in the US.Children, women and people of color have much higher incidence of poverty than other groups. This indicates for us that there are issues about how equal children, women and racial groups are.

Economic Issues

Economic trends and issues have come to play in the creation of poverty in America as well. Many jobs are low paying and lack the security of jobs and careers of previous generations.Many families and individuals have more than one job.This too is a reflection of choices made in lifestyle, but most choose to try and have the "average" lifestyle that is common in our society.

Other structural problems that have occurred in the US include millions of US jobs being lost as corporations invest in creating facilities where the labor is cheaper.

Job Deskilling continues to be an issue as well. JD is the reduction of skills needed to perform a job with a corresponding decrease in wages. Considering the sociological perspectives on poverty solutions to this issue in the US are difficult to come by.


Functionalist Perspective

The functionalist perspective would support that there are some positions within society that are considered more central to the functioning of the society and are therefore occupied by the most skilled, and highest rewarded, citizens.

Conflict Perspective

The conflict theorists would argue that those who are most important in some philosophical perspectives (teachers and parents, for example) are NOT actually the most highly rewarded.Meanwhile some, (professional athletes and actors) make oodles of money but don't seem to be needed for society to operate. (Although one may argue for the need for entertainment in a modern society.) Conflict theorists also consider that those in power use their influence to maintain their power at the expense of others.

Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

These individuals consider the effect that inequality has on people's lives.We can consider this the "Culture of Poverty" or even the "Culture of Socioeconomic Status".

The Culture of Poverty

Although I am calling this lecture the Culture of Poverty it can be applied to any socioeconomic group. We have learned that culture defines a group's expectations, norms and values.We have also examined that there are groups such as families, peers, work groups and others that can have a specific culture.

Consider that there is a "culture" for each of the Socioeconomic levels in our society.Each culture socializes its members to understand the skills and knowledge that they need to "remain part of the group".

What skills and knowledge must an individual have in order to stay rich?

What skills and knowledge must a person have to remain poor?

I have been a social worker for many years in many different capacities. As a researcher I have noticed patters of behavior among all groups that are important to consider in terms of the socialization of economic status.

We select our groups.

Our groups, all of those we belong to, formulate a significant part of our identity.Most of us are very reluctant to give up aspects of our identity (for example:how many people would change their first name?Some do, but not many.It is an important part of who we are.) The individuals we hang around with, the expectations and values (particularly about others who are members of other groups) is part of what binds us together and gives us a social identity.

We don't like people who leave the group.

When members of our peer group begin to perform outside the expectations that we have of them we are often not pleased.We can lose friends this way.Consider that the deviant who is beginning to act outside the group's expectations…he or she stands to lose the group as well. Consider this in terms of wealth and power.Do people who have power advise others who have power on how to get more power?Do individuals who have successfully navigated the Social Security system and Food Stamps give advice on how to do it to others?Of course they do…

We hold values about other groups.

I find this one the most interesting…because we get some help with it. Consider what you may often hear from individuals without a lot of money:"Money does not make you happy." This may be true, however, being poor doesn't necessarily make you happy either.

As educated individuals we may come to the conclusion that money and happiness may affect one another, but are not dependent on one another. The individual who says that the rich are spoiled and don't understand what an honest day's work is…but that person would not send the check back to the Maine Lottery Commission would he?

Now on the other side of the coin, the rich may also hold biases and expectations about the poor and others.When I was living in Southampton NY I had the opportunity to meet many individuals who came from money.One of the interesting aspects of their culture was traveling.Many of the individuals I met had done some extensive traveling to Europe and Asia.From their point of view, nearly everyone they knew had been there and discussions would arise about different locations and where the best beer was and so forth.

Not having grown up in this sort of environment they were surprised to learn that I had not been to Europe. None of this was done in any sort of snob sort of way at all…it was simply a cultural expectation. (My total experience working with and getting to know the rich and poor…is that there are plenty of snobs on both sides!)

Now what skills and knowledge are passed from generation to generation among the rich?Investing ones funds, don't work for other people (work for yourself), education is important, work hard to advance up the ladder, play golf…whatever… Important skills to have if one is to stay wealthy.

One of the fascinating aspects of our culture is that there are organizations designed to assist individuals in staying poor.It is not that staying poor and playing the "game" is what people want to do, it is just very often rewarded more than other options.

Social programs are available to help people to get ahead, but often times they come with limitations that keep the person from working harder.

I certainly favor the existence of these program as they are very important for some individuals whose choices can be very limited, however, there are improvements that might be made to assist those willing to go alternative paths to reach their success.

Inequality describes itself as follows:

" was created to serve as a dependable portal of information. Too much inequality, we believe, undermines democracy, community, culture and economic health. Because the problem is so important, accuracy is important, and we are committed to presenting the best and latest information."