Lesson 20: Career Exploration and Transfer


Starting college can sometimes lead us to recognize that there may be MANY paths we can follow...sometimes we change our course when we learn about new opportunities!

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Identify the three steps associated with "Planful Career Decision Making"
  • Identify personal preferences and skills utilizing the Holland tool
  • Apply the Holland types to career selection
  • Utilize career related web sources to research information related to career choice
  • Identify career related resources at KVCC


The teaching of this lesson is an adaptation of a presentation made by Jim Peacock, Director of the Advising and Career Center at KVCC. Click the link below and make your way through this ENTIRE document.

Click here to view the presentation on "Planful Career Decision Making"

Click here to download the PowerPoint file

Click HERE to take a test that indicates your Holland Code


Lesson 20 Assessment

  1. Identify the three steps associated with "Planful Career Decision Making"
  2. Write a brief paragraph describing your results on the Holland test (be sure to state which category you are in, describe it, and relate it to your current career choices)
  3. Identity and describe at least TWO different programs at KVCC that would allow you to explore a career related to your identified Holland type
  4. Explore BOTH of these career choices utilizing one of the identified web resources. Write a brief essay as to what you discovered about that career.

Lesson 20 Assignment

Submit a written career plan based upon your current goals. Make sure that you are as detailed as you can be so that you could actually FOLLOW this plan!