Lesson 7: Initial Interview

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
- Identify strategies to prepare for an initial interview
The initial interview with a client often determines whether or not a client will follow through with services. The initial interview requires a delicate balance of gathering information while conveying warmth and empathy. The client should leave the interview feeling that they were heard and not feeling as though they have been interrogated!
Purpose of the Initial Interview
- Strengths - including external supports, talents, successes, capabilities, and attitudes
- Weaknesses - including gaps in any strengths
- Current problem and what has caused them to seek help NOW
- Potential problems
- A sense of who the person is
Interviewer Role
- Establish relationship
- Gather information
- Assess eligibility for services
- Initial story
- Professional sense of what is going on
Client Perceptions
- May not want help
- May not understand your role
- Meeting the client
- Taking notes
- Collecting information
- Asking for more clarification
- Open ended questions
- Closed ended questions
- Presenting problem
- Client expectations
- History taking and Assessments
- Wrapping up
- Questions
- Define problem in language they understand
- What do they expect?
- What will happen next
- Plan for next meeting?
Possible Class Discussion
In preparing for an interview many people choose to review client records. Debate the merits of this practice.
Lesson 7 Assignment

Welcome to Western Psychological & Counseling Services!
Following the Intake paperwork that you completed in Lesson 6, conduct an initial counseling session focusing on the following:
- What is the presenting problem?
- Specifically define the barriers associated with the problem.
- What strengths/resources does the client have that could be brought in to assist with the problem?
- Developing an initial treatment plan:
- Goals and Steps
- Each step identifies a time frame
- Each step is focused on either:
- Something the client will do
- Something the case manager will do (skill training)
- A referral
Submit a written treatment plan to the Lesson 7 Assignment Drop box that includes all of this information in an organized logical format.
Here is the example Treatment Plan for T.C. (MS Word Version)
Here is the example Treatment Plan for T.C. (PDF Version)