Lesson 5: Building your Literature-to-Lesson-Plan library

childhood books

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Explain how literacy is used to promote growth in other developmental domains using the MITG and MELDS

  • Develop activity ideas in other developmental domains for a book that is already chosen.


We all have that one favorite book that is hard to let go of. Maybe it is a book that we grew up with. Maybe there is a message in there that hits close to home. For me, my favorite book is A Color of His Own by Leo Leoni. My son had me read this book over and over and over again a few years back. I can only make assumptions about why my son, who was four at the time, loved the book so much. Maybe it was the colors or maybe it was about the chameleon’s struggle to find himself. Either way I knew the deepest message and it was meaningful for me. I also have many other books by Leo Leoni. Although they can sometimes be wordy and deep, the earth colored collage or watercolor illustrations always catches my eye and has a charged message. Sometimes the message promotes imagination, counting, social skills or emotional wellbeing.

For this assignment, we will share our favorite author and book, tie it to the guidelines and rate it with the standards you chose. THEN we will begin our lesson plan library by working together to create activity ideas based on the books everyone chose.

Through providing activity ideas for your classmates, you are simulating a small part of what it will be like to plan with a co-worker and build off of each other’s ideas. It is also appropriate in this exercise to look at and record ideas from all of your classmates for future use!


Lesson 5 Discussion

Who is your favorite children’s author and why? Which of their books is your favorite one? Describe how the book promotes development in other domains using the MITG and/or MELDS. For this discussion your reply post must be a detailed activity for their book. Your activity must be in a different developmental domain and


  • title

  • age group

  • setting

  • materials

  • summary

  • purpose

It is okay to be in paragraph format. To assure that everyone’s post gets two activity ideas, you must chose a post with the least amount of responses. Then be sure to comment on your classmate’s idea and any modifications you would make.