Lesson 11: Rating Scales and Literacy
Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
Teaching Read Chapter 9 in Week by Week Teaching children to read and write takes more than just letter tracing worksheets and reading to them. Literacy begins with rich, early experiences with books, songs and conversations. Pregnant moms can even sing and read to their unborn babies. “Preschoolers who have had early home literacy experiences that included family involvement in reading and writing, and exposure to receptive language (hearing many words, complex sentences, descriptions, and explanations) are more likely to have high test scores….common characteristics of these children have much to do with their home environment. They *were read to on a regular basis * had a wide variety of print materials available in the home, such as books, magazines, and newspapers *had paper and pencil available to scribble and draw and copy objects and letters *had people in the home who stimulated their interest by supporting reading and writing as a worthwhile activity” (Week by Week pg 251) Teachers can provide a print rich environment with a variety of opportunities for children to practice reading and writing. https://www.naeyc.org/files/tyc/file/V4N4/Creating_print-rich_learning_centers.pdf Rating Scales Rating scales are observation tools that teachers can use to document a variety of developmental milestones. They are often used to evaluate language and literacy development, since they are a scale. The scale can also be translated into a score that can be used to report information. Visit the links below for more information on literacy and young children
Assessment Lesson 11 Assignment A You will be using the Literacy Rating Scale for this assignment. Observe in an early childhood environment. Complete the Literacy Rating Scale. Complete the summary: Include appropriate MELDS the child was demonstrating. Include 3 suggestions for environment or activity ideas that could encourage this child to deepen their literacy knowledge. Obtain written permission from the appropriate person before you observe. Lesson 11 Assignment B Create an anecdotal book list of 5 high quality children’s books. Write 3-5 sentences about how this book can be used to teach children. Be sure to include the genre of the book (ex: fiction, resource, fairytale, etc)
Lesson 11 Discussion How can parents and teachers work together regarding language and literacy?