Lesson 14: Reflection

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material students will be able to:

  • Discuss why intentionality in preschool teaching is important
  • Discuss how being an educator can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time


Read Chapter 11 in The Intentional Teacher

Preschool classrooms should be happy places. Throughout this semester we have discussed classroom environments – spacing, classroom materials, and schedules – classrooms where children want to be. Places where children feel comfortable separating from family members and where they trust their teachers to provide support and safety. A classroom where environments are well organized with developmentally and age appropriate materials. The classroom is a friendly environment where teachers provide children ample time for play and investigation: a place where children are able to make choices. A place where teachers scaffold learning and assist children as they play in more child-initiated activities than teacher led activities. An environment that is respectful, builds caring relationships with children and families and where curriculum follows children’s interests.

We have also discussed the importance of planning curriculum, observing children, individualizing goals, implementing activities, observing, reflecting and planning. This curriculum process is ongoing. An educator knows that the curriculum is working when the following is happening:

  • Children are resolving disagreements and conflicts easily with agreement from all parties
  • Children are making positive choices about what to do with their time in areas using open-ended play
  • Children are engaging in activities in increasing periods of time
  • Children are applying their growing skills in different activities
  • Children are settling into adult-led activities because they have had plenty of opportunities to engage in breathing out activities
  • Children are saying “I love school!”

When all of this comes together, children’s needs are fully met. Children experience more success and are willing to try new more challenging things. Preschool teachers find their job more rewarding because children are happier and more engaged. Parent’s and family members are able to see their child’s delight in the preschool program. These are the true goals for everyone connected to a child.


Lesson 14 Discussion A

Why is being an intentional teacher in preschool important?

Lesson 14 Discussion

Working with preschoolers, can be exciting and something new every day. It can also be overwhelming and draining. A professional once said: “One needs to come in on a Monday morning as excited to work as they are when they leave work on Friday”. What do you think this means?