Lesson ZERO - Part III - MHT 124



Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this lesson's material students will be able to:

  • Download the iTunes U companion course for this specific Mental Health class.
  • Identify specific apps that are to be used in this specific Mental Health class.


Integration of the iPad

In order to acclimate our students to the use of mobile devices we have integrated specific apps and assignments that take advantage of the unique capabilities of the iPad (and apps) into the Lesson Plans of each course. Different courses will use different apps in different ways.

This Lesson provides an overview of the apps and specific uses of the iPad relevant to this course. Below you will find a list of the apps that have been integrated into this course and how they are going to be used. You will also find information related to the enroll code for the iTunes U companion course where direct links to download the apps can be found.

iTunes U Companion Course

As we have already discussed, every course has an iTunes U companion course. This course houses much of the materials, textbooks, apps, and other iPad related resources that you need to be successful in this class.

The enroll code for the MHT 124 Companion course for Fall 2016 is FNH-JLA-KJE

iPad Integration in the Lesson Plans

Each course in the program is organized into Lesson Plans. When we want you to use an app or the iPad for a specific task we will introduce it in a box that looks like the one below.

In the actual Lesson Plans in the course you will encounter boxes like this one that explain the use of the app at a particular time in the course. Each of these corresponds with a Lesson in the iTunes U companion course that provides a direct link to the app and, in many cases, a tutorial on how to use the app.

(A picture of the app icon will appear here)

When you see a box like this it is an indication that you need to open up iTunes U, visit the corresponding Lesson in the iTunes U companion course and download the app in question.

Summary of iPad Integration for MHT 124

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychosocial Rehabilitation
    • NAMI AIR
  • Chapter 4: Goals of PSR
    • Adobe Spark Video
  • Chapter 5: Values of PSR
    • Jungian Type Questionnaire
  • Chapter 8: History of PSR
    • Adobe Spark Video
  • Chapter 9: Clubhouses and Day Treatment
    • Apple Pages or Microsoft Word
  • Chapter 10: Vocational Rehabilitation
    • iMovie
  • Chapter 14: Case Management and Community Integration
    • Indeed Job Search


Lesson ZERO - Part III Discussion

Please post any questions or comments about this lesson here. Please help each other get to know the iPad Integration expectations of the course.