Lesson 13: Research in Trauma-Part 2


Learning Outcomes

  • Use information effectively to support the thesis of their paper


Essentially, in this lesson, you will be writing a research paper. You are to select ONE of the research questions from Lesson 12 and write a brief research paper on that topic. The GOAL of the paper is to provide an ANSWER to the question. However, the answer will not be conclusive, this assignment is not long enough to come to a conclusive answer.

In addition, the answer will reflect EVIDENCE that you have found in PEER REVIEWED sources of information. So, in essence, your paper is really about REPORTING what the literature says about your question. That is all! You don't have to come to any other conclusions.

Step 1: Defining your Question

The first step is to define your question clearly in a way that will make doing research in peer reviewed journals successful. You may need to do some web research at the beginning to get the TERMS or KEY WORDS that are used to describe what you are researching.

Step 2: Find Peer Reviewed Sources

Here are some links on how to arrive at some peer reviewed sources to help you answer your question. You will need to find at least 3 peer reviewed articles directly related to your topic.

What is a Peer Reviewed Article?

Using Google (and other search engines) for Research

Utilizing KVCC Library Services


Step 3: Write your Paper

Your paper is essentially organized into 5 parts using APA style for all parts:

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction (including your thesis question)
  3. Literature Review
  4. Conclusions (based on the articles)
  5. References

Use these links to help you with the writing process:

Writing Research Papers

APA Style

Step 4: Submit your Assignment to Safe Assign

A special drop box has been created in Bb that will allow you to submit your paper to check for plagiarism. It is commonly expected that your score should be lower than 15%...meaning less than 15% of your paper should be word-for-word from sources.

This entails that you avoid using quotes at all possible times. The only allowances for quotes are if something is really said in a specific way that cannot be altered (this is very rare...so simply don't do it).

Do not submit your paper to the final drop box unless your paper scores less than 15%.

Step 5: Submit your Final Paper to the Lesson 13 Assignment Drop Box


Lesson 13 Assignment

Post your completed paper into this assignment drop box. Be sure that all aspects of your paper (title page, paper, and references) are all ONE document...do not send separate documents for different parts. Below you will see a grading rubric for this paper.