Lesson 20: Effective Case Management: Using these Skills Together Attention Over the last few lessons we have learned a variety of skills to improve client communication and empower the client to make decisions autonomously and take action. In this lesson we will bring those skills together and improve our ability to handle whatever may come up in the client relationship. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
Teaching Bringing it all Together In this lesson we look at the variety of skills that we have learned to facilitate change. We started with mirroring acceptance for the client‚s situation today. Showing interest and care for the client today to open the door for the client to discuss their concerns for their situation and empower them to determine how and where to move forward. Self determination is a key for all humans regardless of the hardship they may be encountering today. We can summarize what we have learned about Case Management and the "attitudes" associated with case management:
Facilitating Change
Ambivalence Change can be very challenging, and despite the attraction and "normalness" of making "progress" our clients may be ambivalent. Attitudes
Assessment Lesson 20 Quiz