Oral Communication (OLE Effective Communicaiton) - Article Presentation

This is you recording your speech into a mutimedia presentation and doing an AWESOME job!

Any questions?

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Organize material into a coherent and clear sequence.
  • Utilize appropriate language to convey the content of a research article.
  • Perform a speech which is compelling and makes the speaker appear confident and polished.
  • Develop a graphic/text based slideshow that supports the speaker's message.
  • Communicate a compelling and interesting message to an audience of mental health workers.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the experience of applying peer reviewed academic resources to a deeper understanding of course content. In addition, the assignment provides you the opportunity to practice presenting technical information to a group of peers. The primary evaluation of this assignment is going to be based on your oral communication skills.

The essence of the assignment is that you need to locate a peer reviewed article and present the findings of that article within the context of the class. In essence, you will provide a brief overview of the article to supplement my in-class presentation on a related topic.

YOU will need to find the article and then YOU need to select the "Lesson" in the course that best corresponds with that article's content. On the day that the Lesson you identified is being covered you will be responsible to make a short presentation to the class on the article and how it relates to the content in the Lesson.


In order to communicate your intent with me, I have created a special assignment drop box. You will submit your proposed article to me along with a proposal as to which Lesson in the class the article applies to. You will also attach a PDF copy of the actual article.

You will take this quiz as many times as necessary until I have given you a grade of 100, which indicates that your proposal is approved. Your presentation will then be entered into the Course Navigator document and you will be expected to deliver your presentation on that day.

Proposal Drop Box
Write the title of the article, a general description of what it is about and identify the Lesson in the course that you feel this most applies to.
100 pts.
Submit a PDF copy of the actual article


For these presentations we are going to use some technology! You will a variety of presentation options. Your presentation will cover the essential components of an article review. Your presentation needs to include the following elements:

  • Introduction.
  • Information about the article (title, author, journal name, date of publication).
  • Brief statement about which Lesson in the course the article applies to and why.
  • Essential elements of the article (your "central message"), including:
    • The purpose of the article
    • Description of the methods used by the authors
    • Description of the essential results and conclusions.
    • Description of why this is valuable information related to case management

For this assignment you are going to create a visual presentation with a voice over recording.

There are some choices in terms of how you want to create a presentation

For more information on creating videos on your iPad click HERE.

Your task it to create an online presentation with several slides and recorded voice-over speech!

You will complete your online presentation and post a link to it in a special discussion board called "Article Presentation Studio"! Simply post your link as a new thread in the discussion...title your discussion post "My Presentation".

Each of you are free to view each others' presentations and comment/ask questions.

Your instructor will then evaluate the presentation using the rubric below.

Article Presentation Evaluation Rubric