Lesson 1: Introduction and Orientation Attention This week is a time to get to know the course, the expectations of the class, your instructor, and to familiarize yourself with the Blackboard interface.
Discussions will focus on the expectations of the course and questions. We will also get to know one another. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
Teaching Reviewing the course syllabus, expectations and course navigator will be important as you start this course. Each week you will have required online lessons as well as assignments and discussion expectations. The syllabus outlines the timeline for each of the weekly assignments. This is also your opportunitiy to become comfortable in BlackBoard since this is where you will find all of your course materials weekly. In this course we will be learning about material that may make you uncomfortable due to your personal history, your personal biases and/or the upsetting nature of some of the topics. I am hopeful that each of you will be be approaching this course and your peers as you would when working with clients. You need to be open minded about the topics and understanding that each of the areas we will be discussing may be something a future client of your's has experienced. I am trying to prepare you for those time when a client starts to tell a story or your read some information in a client's chart about her or his history. You need to be ready to process this information, keep it to yourself to protect confidentiality and keep your personal biases out of your interactions. There may be times you need to process what you are reading with classmates or those close to you. This is the time to do some of that processing with them. Once you are in the field you will have new resources available to you to process this type of information: individual supervision, group supervision and coworkers (if appropriate). Assessment Possible Class Discussion In this discussion I'm going to have you introduce yourself to the class by creating a movie of yourself using your iPad. In addition to the instructions included below, explain your motivations for taking this class (aside from the fact that it is required), and a brief work/mental health related history as to why you want to enter the Mental Health field.