Problem Solving (ELO Problem Solving) - Personal Behavior Management Learning Outcomes This assignment is designed to address Problem Solving learning outcomes. These specific outcomes are incorporated into the grading rubrics for the papers. Basic Information This assignment asks you to utilize the theories and models of Operant Conditioning to solve a problem. You will identify the problem and create a behavior plan in order to address the problem.
Operant Conditioning is conceptualized by the ABC Contingency Theory. You are going to use this model to come up with a personal behavior plan, implement the plan, and evaluate the results. Here are some examples of "Problems"...
To SOLVE these problems we are going to have to come up with some behaviors that we can do in order to address them...
We then design a Behavior Plan using the ABC Contingency Theory...
When we write up the Behavior Plan we combine these three statements into a single statement that outlines the plan! "Every week I will go to the gym and do 1/2 hour of weights and 1/2 hour of cardio. If I do this for 4 weeks in a row I will reward myself with a trip to the movies." "Every day I will eat at least 1 serving of vegetables. If I do this for 5 out of 7 days a week I will treat myself to an ice cream." "When I am feeling overwhelmed I will go into my room, put on my iPod and listen to 3 songs to relax. Each time I do this I will reward myself with $5 into my savings for my new guitar." start on this assignment you need to follow the steps outlined below! Step 1: Identify a Problem Everyone has problems and everyone has something they want to improve about themselves. It can be nearly anything. Here are some examples:
Remember, these are not necessarily the BEHAVIORS...we'll get to that next! So, your first step is to write a statement that identifies your "problem" Step 2: Identify Behaviors and Frequencies At this point it is very important to see the difference between BEHAVIORS and the RESULTS OF BEHAVIORS. Each of the problems mentioned above is in search of a solution. The solutions are simply the opposites of the problem:
But these are NOT behaviors... For each of these we can identify what we need to do in order to make these problems go away but in very, very specific and measurable terms...
Can you see how these are MUCH MORE SPECIFIC? These behavior descriptions give us our ANTECEDENTS and BEHAVIORS...the first two parts of our ABC Behavior Plan! Step 3: Identify Consequences In order to really use the ABC Contingency Theory in your plan you have to include rewards for your behavior. Doing the behavior is not yet rewarding enough to maintain it...if it was, you would not have identified it as a problem! So, you have to come up with ways of rewarding yourself for following through on your plan. Just like the check you get from your work rewards you for your week of work! You have to pick something that YOU can control and is reasonable for your effort. For each of the previous plans, let's make up some rewards!
Step 4: Craft your Behavior Plan Statements At this point you need to put it all together into a single statement!
Step 5: Implement your Plan Now you need to actually DO IT! Create some tracking sheets where you can write things down when you get them done and keep track of your progress. (Don't rely on your memory for this!) Also be sure that the ONLY way you get the reward is if you actually meet your goal! DON'T CHEAT! For this assignment I want you to select a behavior that occurs frequently enough so you can track your progress for 4 weeks (no monthly goals!!). Step 6: Evaluate your Plan Once you have done your plan for 4 weeks and you can see your did you do? Did the plan work? Did it not work? If it failed this teaches you things as well:
If your plan can it be improved? If it succeeded, why do you think it could it be improved? Step 7: Write up the Whole Process! Once you have completed steps 1-6 write up the whole process in a single document and submit it! The document should be formatted and crafted to meet the criteria set forth in this rubric.
Click HERE to download a sample paper from a student. This plan is a very simple, but effective one.