Lesson 9: Goal Reflection


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able

  • Assess goals to assure they are still on track and to hold themselves accountable
  • Explain why their goal may or may not be successful
  • Modify goals and objectives as needed to assure success for the remainder of the course
  • Contribute to classmates success by sharing ideas for progress


We are about half way through this course and time for a check in on your goals!  Check-ins are always an important part of the goal achievement process.  It is a part of holding yourself accountable and making sure you are on track with your plan for success.

It is also important to look and see if your goal is still relevant, or active.  It is quite possible that your goals have been achieved already or maybe they no longer apply.  We are going to take this time to assess our path and get us back on course if needed.

This is a time to be reflective.  Think about how they are going and be HONEST with yourself.  It is OKAY if your goals are not going as planned.  This is the whole point.  If they are not going as planned then now is when you can change them to assure you are going to succeed for the remainder of the course!

What do you still want to get out of this class? Do you still think of the same goals and objectives? Is what you wrote still S.M.A.R.T?

Specific – are you finding that your goals are still specific enough or maybe it was specific enough and already achieved?

Measurable – Have you been able to measure your success in this goal?  If not, then why?

Attainable (agreed, achievable) – Do you still feel like this is something that you know you can accomplish?  Is the goal still important to you? 

Realistic – Is this goal still something you are willing and able to do?  Do you think it is still realistic to continue with this goal?

Timely – can you still reach your goal in the amount of time you have set for yourself.


Lesson 9 Assignment

Submit a document to the drop box. Your document will review the goals you set out for yourself at the beginning of the semester. For each goal you have answer the following questions:

  1. Does this goal still apply and is it still S.M.A.R.T.?  Explain how it is or is not still on the same track for each letter (s,m,a,r,t)
  2. Describe the progress you have made on your goals
  3. Describe your next steps in moving forward with your goals
  4. Complete self-assessment and explanation for any goals you have achieved
  5. Create new goals if you wish! (if you have completed ALL of your previous goals then this is a REQUIREMENT)

This is a check in on goals.  This is a time when you are meant to change, edit and revise them if need be.  If you are not going to change, edit or revise them then questions 1 and 2 better be SOLID, DETAILED explanations WITH EXAMPLES of how you are meeting your goals.

This is an important part of the goal process.  To get a grade for this you simply pass it in marked up as I have asked.  I will not accept it if it is incomplete in any way.  Please call, email or meet with me if you want help with this process.  Again, by creating goals for yourself, you get more out of this class.  I can only “teach” so much of this course.  The rest is up to you.  It is your responsibility to look for ways in which the content of this course will be useful to you.

Possible Class Discussion

Share how one of your goals is going.  Ask your classmates a question about how to move forward with your goal.  (Be specific to what support you need to achieve your goal)  When replying to TWO of your classmates, be specific and clear with your ideas about how they can move forward.