Lesson 19: Health and Medicine


Healthcare is the single most important, debated, and misunderstood economic and social problem in the United States

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Discuss the potential loss of advances in medical coverage if ObamaCare is repealed.
  • Discuss different medical care provision systems from different countries in the world.


The Sociology of Health

This topic encompasses social epidemiology, disease, mental health, disability, and medicalization.

Cultural norms, values, and expectations about disease and medicine are diverse across the world.

  • In my Developmental Psychology class we have an assignment that examines different cultural perspectives on child bearing and childbirth. The diversity across the world is amazing, even though everyone shares the same basic biological process.
  • Mental Illness is defined differently around the world with specific conditions being present only in certain cultures. These are referred to as "Culture-Bound Syndromes".
    • Artic Hysteria - Alaska Natives - Dissociative episode followed by extreme excitement, seizures, and coma.
    • Brain Fag - West Africa - Difficulty concentrating, remembering, and thinking.
    • Jumping Frenchman's Disease - French-Canadians in Maine - Hyperstartle reflex, shouting, and jumping when startled.

Sociology of Illness

Consider what we know about Culture and Social Structure...if someone is sick or has an illness (status), what is the job description (role)?

Role of a Sick Person

  • Does not have to fulfill his or her normal roles
  • Should seek medical attention, do as the doctor says, and get better
  • Not held accountable for the illness

Consider this website on "Sick Role Conflict"...how does society react when we do not follow these expectations?

Mental Illness and other Hidden Disabilities

Part of the challenge of mental illness is that due to the hidden nature of the disability, the expectations are different. Consider each of the roles of a sick person listed below and how this is sometimes over-applied or under-applied to a person with mental illness.

How does this compare to a person with cancer? What if the cancer patient used to smoke?

Social Epidemiology

This is the study of the causes and spread of diseases along paths of inequality in society. Disease is experienced differently based on:

  • Socioeconomic status
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Technology

Healthcare in the United States

  • Private insurance dominates the field.
  • People in the US are under-insured...have to pay out 10% or more of income to get healthcare. (18% prior to ObamaCare, 13% after ObamaCare)
  • ObamaCare - What is it?
    • Expands eligibilty to programs like Medicaid
    • Guarantees coverage for pre-existing conditions
    • Premium funds go into providing medical care
    • Individual mandate for everyone to have insurance (creates a demand)
  • Social Security and Medicare (FICA Tax - What is this?)
  • Immunizations - There really is NOT a scientific debate about these...
  • Medical Marijuana


Other Models

  • Socialized Medicine - The medical system is run by the government.
  • Universal Medicine - Everyone is guaranteed to have coverage.

A Comparison of Different Countries...


France - Sort of Socialized Medicine - Top Medical System in the World


England - Socialized Medicine

Canada - Single Payor System - Public Spending but Private Providers


United States - A Complete Mess


Lesson 19 Discussion A

At the time of this writing, President Elect Donald Trump has promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Consider the outline of ObamaCare guarantees...do we really want this to go away? What will replace it? Can we trust insurance companies to self-regulate in a competitive environment?

Lesson 19 Discussion B

Watch the videos comparing health care systems in different countries. Discuss the shortfalls of the US system compared to the systems in these other countries.