Lesson 13: Industrial-Organizational Psychology Attention
Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
Teaching Work and Occupation When we meet someone for the first time the first question we might get asked is what are name is. Can you guess what the next question is? "What do you do?" In Western society what you "do" (or your work) is a key component of our Identity. It is very important to us and we spend a lot of time getting prepared for it (school and training) and doing it (40 hours a week or more!) Industrial/Organizational Psychology I/O Psychology is the study of how human behavior and psychology impact the workplace and how the workplace impacts human behavior and psychology.
The types of questions that are explored by I/O Psychologists include:
I/O Psychology is a very useful and pragmatic body of knowledge that impacts us every day of our lives! Great Concepts from I/O Psychology that we Know and Love
Organizational Culture Sociology defines "culture" as the "norms, values, and expectations of a specific group." Each workplace has a culture...sometimes there are two different, interoperable cultures...
Gilbert's Behavior Engineering Model Click HERE to visit a website on Gilbert's Behavior Engineering Model and learn about concepts such as:
Assessment In this section you will find a list of the required Assessments that accompany this Lesson. The Lesson Discussions are designed for the ONLINE and HYBRID versions of this course. If you are not in an ONLINE or HYBRID version of this course you can ignore these instructions unless otherwise guided by your instructor. Lesson 13 Discussion A Describe at least one workplace experience that you have had that exemplifies a concept covered in this lesson (I/O Psychology). Be sure you are clear about the connection between the story and the concept (do not use the BEM in this discussion, that is for Lesson 13 Discussion B.) Lesson 13 Discussion B Using Gilbert's Behavioral Engineering Model, describe a work-related situation where performance was below standard. How would you have used the BEM to analyze the problem? Lesson 13 Quiz