Lesson 29: Divorce and Remarriage


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Discuss the interplay of the different developmental clocks when it comes to marriage, family, and divorce.


Marriage, Family, Divorce, and the Life Cycle

What a title for this section!

The text does an excellent job of exploring each of these issues (although not all together like I am doing!)

In these areas of our lives we see an intermingling of the various Developmental Clocks. We may consider our Psychological Clock in terms of our readiness to be married, have children, etc. We may also be aware of our Social Clock when we are single and wanting to be in a relationship or to have children. We may also experience our Biological Clock when considering when to have children and in the approaching stage of midlife that makes us take a serious look at the relationships we are currently in!


Lesson 29 Discussion

The concept of "marriage" has changed over the years. This is what we would consider an impact of the "Historical Clock". As your subject what factors were considered when deciding if someone was going to marry another. Then, consider what factors YOU took into account (or may take into account)/ Are there differences? If so, what are they and why do you think these differences are there?