Integrative Learning: Identity Status

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
- Synthesize Marcia's theory into an understanding of personal identity.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between Marcia's theory and Erikson's 5th Stage.
Our IDENTITY is comprised of many pieces. Consider the analogy of the Jigsaw Puzzle, each piece makes up a small part of the while picture, just like each piece of your IDENTITY makes up a small (or large) part of your complete picture!
Sometimes pieces are shaped for us by factors such as our genetics, where we were born, when we were born, and our upbringing.
Other pieces we shape ourselves through our experiences, efforts, goals, and decisions.
Applying Marcia's theory to EACH piece of our IDENTITY, we can see that at any time, different pieces might be in different states of development. For each piece, we can apply Marcia's model for understanding where THAT piece is's STATUS:
Marcia's model is based on two processes...Crisis and Commitment. In this model, "Crisis" means you are examining the options, "Commitment" means that you have selected an option. Each piece has it's own status, based on how these processes have been applied to it...each piece can be in one of 4 statuses (see the graphic above)
- Diffusion
- No Crisis and no Commitment
- Your PIECE is in DIFFUSION if you have not made a decisions about this part of your IDENTITY and your are NOT looking or examining options
- Moratorium
- Crisis but no Commitment
- Your PIECE is in MORATORIUM if you have not made a decision about this part of your IDENTITY but you ARE currently looking and examining options
- Foreclosure
- Commitment but no Crisis
- Your PIECE is in FORECLOSURE if you have NEVER really examined other options but you HAVE made a decision about it (or a decision was made for you and you have never questioned it)
- Achieved
- Crisis and Commitment
- Your PIECE is in ACHIEVED status if you HAVE (at least at one time) examined the options and you have made a decision about this part of your IDENTITY based on that examination.
Jennifer Aniston has agreed to give us examples of 4 different parts of her identity that meet these criteria:
- Diffusion
- No Crisis and no Commitment
- I know that I want to play a serious dramatic role and not be defined as simply a comic actress, but I have not really started looking for any opportunities and I'm enjoying my current success
- Moratorium
- Crisis but no Commitment
- I am currently looking to sell my house and move to Maine so I can take these classes face to face instead of online all the time
- Foreclosure
- Commitment but no Crisis
- I am a female and I've never REALLY considered any other possibilities
- Achieved
- Crisis and Commitment
- I was married to Brad and we broke up and I'm OK with matter what the tabloids say. Maybe I will find Mr. Right when I move to Maine
For this assignment you are going to construct a table similar to the graphic at the top of this page. You will do this in MS Word and submit the document to the appropriate assignment drop box in Blackboard.
Your table will be formatted something like this:
My Identity |
No Crisis |
Crisis |
No Commitment |
Diffusion Identity Pieces
In this space you will write a detailed example of your particular piece of identity that is in this status. Your description should CLEARLY show that the piece is in this status...this should demonstrate a good understanding of what makes up this particular part of Marcia's Theory
Moratorium Identity Pieces
In this space you will write a detailed example of your particular piece of identity that is in this status. Your description should CLEARLY show that the piece is in this status...this should demonstrate a good understanding of what makes up this particular part of Marcia's Theory
Commitment |
Foreclosure Identity Pieces
In this space you will write a detailed example of your particular piece of identity that is in this status. Your description should CLEARLY show that the piece is in this status...this should demonstrate a good understanding of what makes up this particular part of Marcia's Theory
Achieved Identity Pieces
In this space you will write a detailed example of your particular piece of identity that is in this status. Your description should CLEARLY show that the piece is in this status...this should demonstrate a good understanding of what makes up this particular part of Marcia's Theory
Your formatting, spelling, grammar, and professional presentation of this document is counted in the grading.
Grading Rubric
The following criteria will be used to evaluate and grade your submission:
