Lesson 11: Breaking down the Barriers


success is led by the power of communication

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to

  • Plan activities for language, literacy and literature development.

  • Align the Maine Early Learning Guidelines and/or the Maine Infant Toddler Guidelines with activities they have planned

  • Identify and provide accommodations for children with a disability or an English language learner

  • Use reflection to better inform early education practice


Throughout this course you have learned a variety of information about language, literacy and literature in early childhood. Studies show that we retain information that is pertinent to us and practiced. For this project you will be using all of the knowledge and resources used in this course.

If you are not currently working with children, you may implement your activities with siblings, cousins as long as with the activities are for young children in the age group the activity is written for, well thought out and well planned. Another large part of this assignment is REFLECTIVE practice. Studies show that educators who regularly reflect on what they do, why they do it, and how this new knowledge can be used to improve practice, have the most success with children and families.


Lesson 11 Assignment

  1. Plan three language, literacy or literature activities using the lesson plan format provided.

  2. Submit your lesson plans for review and provide your dates for implementation of ALL THREE lesson plans.

  3. Implement lesson plans

  4. Submit a one page report for EACH lesson plan on the following:
    • # of children there and their ages
    • The children’s level of engagement – what were they doing? Did they run off? Did they seem interested? Did any of them make a connection? etc
    • How did the accommodations work and did you make any additional accommodations?
    • Did this go the way you expected it to?
    • What would you do differently next time?