Lesson 9: Crisis Intervention in Schools


Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this lesson's material students will be able to:

  • Discussing the epidemic of violence, bullying, school issues, family issues, traumas and abuses.
  • Describe effective intervention models to address these types of crisis in schools.


Click HERE for the Time line of Worldwide School and Mass Shootings

Click HERE for School Shootings throughout US History (USA Today)

Click HERE for a time line of the Worst Mass Shooting Incidents Across the Globe over the past Two Decades

  • Types
    • Violence
      • Types of Violence in schools
      • Some of the general categories of school violence include bullying, fighting and assaulting inside or outside the school premises, bringing drugs and other harmful components to the school, sexual harassment, vandalism, robbing or stealing, bringing handheld weapons and firearms inside the school premises, etc.
    • Bullying
      • There are 4 types of bullying:
        • Verbal bullying (using words to hurt others)
        • Physical bullying (using physical means to bullying others)
        • Relational bullying (deliberately preventing someone from being part of a group)
        • Cyberbullying (using electronic devices and social media to bully others)

    • Suicide
      • When an individual attempts suicide and is successful, which results in death, this can have a profound affect on the individual's family, friends, school, community, coworkers and more.
      • Here is a story of a family affected by suicide and how this one person's choice affected so many more peopole than just his and his family's lives: http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/exc_063008.shtml
  •  National Examples
  • A Model for Intervention
    • Primary Prevention
    • Read the article: Furlong, M. J., Felix, E. D., Sharkey, J. D.. & Larson, J. (2005). Preventing school violence: A plan for safe and engaging schools. School Counseling, Sept. 2005, 11 - 15. (use link below)
    • https://www.nasponline.org/Documents/Resources%20and%20Publications/Handouts/Families%20and%20Educators/Student%20Counseling%20Violence%20Prevention.pdf
    • Secondary Prevention
    • Read the article: Molina, I. A., Dulmus, C. N., & Sowers, K. M. (2005). Seconday prevention for youth violence: Review of selected School-Based Programs. Brief treatment for secondary prevention. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention. 5:1, 95-107. (use link below)
    • http://btci.edina.clockss.org/cgi/reprint/5/1/95.pdf
    • Tertiary Intervention
    • Tertiary prevention, the most intensive level of support and intervention, attempts to reduce the impact of a condition or problem on the individual's ability to function in the least restrictive setting. For example, the needs of students identified as having an emotional/behavioral disability are addressed through special education services and behavior intervention plans so that they may benefit from the educational program. So when considering tertiary prevention and school violence you would be looking at programs to work with students who may have already displayed violent or bullying behaviors in the school. The goal would be to educate, treat and support those inviduals to reduce the likelihood of another incident.
  • Response

Click HERE for an article on School-Based Crisis Intervention

Here is an app called Know Bullying from SAMHSA - The Federal Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration.

This app contains great information about bullying and what people can do about it.


Lesson 9 Quiz

1. Discussing the epidemic of violence, bullying, school issues, family issues, traumas and abuses we see in media and in our lives. Provide an explanation for this violence and summarize a way to effectively intervene. Conduct some research around the prevalance of violence in schools (this refers to how often violent episodes occur). Is it appropriate to refer to bullying as an "epidemic"?

2. Based on the information in this lesson and resources, create a presentation on bullying (be sure to include statistics you have researched). Try to research LOCAL statistics to make this more personal and learn about anti-bullying techniques. This presentation, however, should be geared toward children in Elementary School. Your presentation should include a voice over, images, text, etc. but it should appeal to this age group (ages 5 - 10). Use Adobe Spark Video app to create this presentation. Once completed, copy the link and paste the link into the answer box for this quiz question.

The best software for a multimedia presentation with your iPad is Adobe Spark Video. Please include images, text and videos along with your voiceover as part of this assignment. Ask you Instructor if you need help learning how to use this app.