Lesson 8: Behaviors Across the Lifespan - Across Our Career Paths Attention This figure describes one of the most popular of the Developmental Theories...the Ecological Theory of Urie Brofenbrenner. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
Teaching Brofenbrenner's Theory Brfenbrenner offers a developmental theory that emphasizes the ways in which our social circles interact with one another. This theory is often applied to develop an understanding of different levels of intervention. For example: You are a case manager and you are working with a person who is having difficult finding a job. They have a mental illness and their symptoms of depression are only partially controlled by medications. You can opt to work with any number of the following systems to bring about change:
Keep in mind this is a human development theory! A person's ability to think and operate in these different systems depends on their developmental maturity. Personality and Career Theories have emphasized aspects of career behavior, that attempt to assess and predict the types of activities, school subjects, or career fields that form the basis for people's educational/vocational interests and career choices – ASVAB and personality inventories such as the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory, are popularly used to assist organizations with determining the employees that may be a proper "fit" within the organization or job needs. Social cognitive career theory (SCCT) may lend itself to the study of many processes regarding career behavior, including such issues as how people manage normative tasks and cope with the multiple challenges involved in career preparation, entry, adjustment, and change, regardless of the specific educational and occupational fields they occupy. In addition to the assessments and typologies available, career decision making/exploration, job searching, career advancement, negotiation of work transitions and multiple roles are significant aspects to consider when entering a new position or career.The bio-psycho-social model is an important overlay of the theories described above. What factors may influence behavior, and how?? This framework allows us to understand the various realms of influence in our own and others' behavior. Consider this...what are some factors from each sphere of influence that you have observed in yourself or others? Assessment Lesson 8 Discussion A Reflect on the example of applying Brofenbrenner's theory to actions you might take working in the mental health field. Based on your own "professional and career maturation" how many of these areas are you ready to engage in? Which ones match your skills the best? Lesson 8 Discussion B Use the Jungian Type Questionnaire to obtain your Myers-Briggs typology- post your type (four letters with explanation) to the discussion board and thoughtfully discuss how these results specifically point to traits you possess that are important to have while working in the mental health field. In addition, discuss any aspects of your personality that may create challenges while working in the mental health field.