Lesson 3: Impact of Trauma

Like ripples on the water, or, in this case, in the sand...the events of our lives cause waves that go out from us...the waves can be "good" or they can be "bad"...but there are always waves.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:
- Discern between Hyperarousal, Intrusion, and Constriction in light of a definition of trauma
- Identify what the term Disconnection implies in light of traumatic experience
- Compare and contrast single-event trauma and chronic trauma
- Read Chaper 2: Terror in Hermon
- Read Chapter 3: Disconnection in Hermon
- Trauma includes experiencing the terrible sins of war, rape, or incest. Trauma makes you question the very core of who you are, like a fish out of water. You are shaken to the roots of your sense of self and you now question everything (Where did all that lovely water go that I used to glide through?) "When I was raped I lost my virginity and almost lost my life. I also discarded certain assumptions I had held about how the world worked & about how safe I was.” A.S.
- Trauma can also be a layering of bad experiences over time; like living with an emotionally abusive parent or a parent who doesn’t want you or love you. These are also traumatic events. Those who suffer from PTSD or trauma pay a huge price in their disconnection from themselves and their profound disconnection from others. Trust becomes illusive. Those who are traumatized relive the events of the past as if they are happening in the present. They experience a severe loss of control. They are floundering in a sea of questions without answers.
- From http://therapyideas.net/trauma-ptsd-deeply-shakes-up-your-sense-of-self/
Read about the effects of trauma, including Hyperarousal, Intrusion and Constriction in the follow articles:
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Lauren Berman
Trauma can also lead to the experience of disconnection:
http://recoveryrocks.bangordailynews.com/2012/09/19/addiction/trauma-shame-and-disconnection-from-self-pandora-iii/ He presents his own take and perspective on disconnection and trauma.
Lesson 3 Discussion (for online course only)
Compare and contrast the concepts of "Hyperarousal", "Intrusion", and "Constriction" in light of last weeks discussion of what is trauma. I would like each of you to pick one of these, define it, post a comment about it and then respond to other students' posting.
Lesson 3 Quiz
Answer the following questions in the designated quiz:
- What does the term Disconnection mean?
- Compare and contrast the differences between a single-event trauma and chronic trauma (go back to Lesson 2 for information about the difference)