Lesson 1: Introduction to the Changing Workplace


This course is about many things...Sociology observes that many forces change our culture, and our work.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Reflect on the purpose and content of the course in relation to a career in mental health.


Take some time to review all the course materials in this class...particularly the syllabus and the Lessons.


In this section you will find a list of the required Assessments that accompany this Lesson. The Lesson Discussions are designed for the ONLINE and HYBRID versions of this course. If you are not in an ONLINE or HYBRID version of this course you can ignore these instructions unless otherwise guided by your instructor.

Lesson 1 Quiz

For each Lesson in this course you will complete a Lesson Quiz. You will find the Lesson Quiz listed in the same Lesson Folder that you found the Lesson Plan in. And THAT, my friends, is a sentance with WAY TOO MANY instances of the word "Lesson" in it!

  1. Reviewing the content of this course, which Lesson are you looking forward to the most? Why?
  2. Review the course objectives that are written in the course syllabus. Identify two objectives that you feel are very important for you personally at this point in your life and explain why.

Lesson 1 Discussion

In this discussion I would like to see you reflect on your expectations regarding coming to college, how this may change your life, and how past roles (high school student, college student, worker, parent, etc.) may relate to the skills you have or need to develop to be successful in school.

For full credit in the graded discussions you need to post at least ONE response to the prompt in the Lesson and reply to at least TWO other students' posts. Your reply posts must be substantive. Please see the grading rubric in the Syllabus for this course for more details.

These instructions apply to all the graded discussions in this course and will not be repeated.