Lesson 15: Monitoring the Plan


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson's material, students will be able to:

  • Understand effective use of supervision
  • Understand the purpose of monitoring the client's treatment


The Cycle of Monitoring

A case manager's job does not end as soon as a referral is made. Instead, case managers monitor the client's treatment to ensure that services are implemented on an ongoing basis.  Ongoing supervision can help ensure that clients are not slipping through the cracks or running into barriers to service.

Ongoing monitoring of a service plan is a key role of the Case Manager

  • Accountability
  • Reassurance on the part of the client
  • Cost management
  • Economics of the Mental Health System (we bring work to other agencies)

Three activities of Monitoring a Plan

  • Talking to the client regularly
  • Contacting people in agencies who are primarily responsible for meeting needs
  • Contacting people, agencies, and services that are involved with your client

Financial Purposes

  • Service coverage time might be limited - maximize efficiency
  • Public money
  • Waste


  • We need each other!
  • Professional advocacy vs. being mad at an agency or another provider
  • Agencies are "systems" made up of "parts"


  • What is advocacy?
  • What role does the Case Manager play? What role does the client play?
  • What is YOUR PURPOSE in advocating? (i.e. is it helping the CLIENT?)
  • What does "Helping the Client" mean?

Case Management vs. Crisis Intervention (vs. Interviewing and Counseling)

  • What is a crisis?
  • Crisis Response
    • Respond immediately
    • Construct a course of action (short term) and a plan (long term)
    • Listen to the person
    • Help them to look ahead
    • Follow up


Lesson 15 Discussion (for online class only)

  1. Reflect on the role of the Case Manager in "managing costs"
  2. Reflect on the role of the Case Manager as "advocate"
  3. Based on the various roles outlined in this Lesson, list 2 roles where you think clinical supervision will be necessary for you and why