Academic Advising
A collaborative relationship between a student and an academic advisor (faculty or staff member) who is assigned to assist in interpreting degree requirements, selecting appropriate credit courses, and referring students to available resources. to find your advisor check the student Access system.
Academic Dismissal
Matriculated students will be dismissed for failure to earn a minimum acceptable cumulative grade point average depending on the number of credits taken. This dismissal may be appealed to the Academic Dean.
This is the quality assurance process used in higher education. When a college is accredited, you know that it has passed through a rigorous evaluation to determine that it provides quality academic programs. KVCC is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education.
Add Period
Number of days after the semester begins during which you can add a class to your schedule. This date is noted on the Academic Calendar.
Associate Degree
A degree earned upon completion of a requisite number of credits, usually around 60, in a particular field of study.
Blackboard is a software tool that is used in both online courses and as a means for enhancing course content. It is used in many courses as a means to conduct quizzing, supply course information, and to submit course work.
Challenge Exam
Challenge examinations offer students the chance to earn college credit by demonstrating their college-level knowledge in a variety of subject areas. Some selected KVCC courses may be challenged; however, challenge exams may not be available for all courses. When an appropriate standardized national exam exists (CLEP, DANTES, ACT, PEP) this exam will be required. Students must take the challenge exam prior to the beginning of the semester, or, if a new student, during the first two weeks of the semester. The student must pay 50% of current tuition and score 80 or better on the exam. Only one Challenge Exam per course will be approved. See College Catalog for applicable criteria.
This is a credential awarded for completion of a specific educational program on completion of a requisite number of credits, between 12 and 36.
A graduation ceremony at which degrees, diplomas, and/or certificates are awarded.
Core Requirements
These are specific courses required for graduation in each degree program. students are required to earn a ‘C’ or better in core classes. In many programs, ALL classes are considered to be “core” classes and a grade of “C” must be achieved.
Co-requisite Requirements
These are courses that must be taken at the same time as another course. These are noted in the program guides for each program.
This is a unit of value that colleges assign to courses based on the time and work required to complete the course. Most one-semester courses are worth three credits. Each degree requires the completion of a certain number of college credits.
The combination of courses that make up a particular area of study. Courses are typically arranged in a sequence to build on learning from previous courses.
Drop Period
Number of days after the semester begins during which you can drop a class from your schedule. This date is noted on the Academic Calendar.
Elective Courses
Each program of study has different requirements with respect to elective courses. Please check with your advisor to be sure you are taking the proper elective. A complete list of electives may be found on the Advising Website:
- General Education Electives may be chosen from the fields of Humanities, Math, English, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Computer Sciences.
- Humanities Electives include studies of literature, languages, history, philosophy, religion, and the history and appreciation of fine arts. These courses are designated with an “H” in the College Catalog.
- Social Science Electives may be chosen from the fields of Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, and Economics.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a required form that must be completed as the first step in applying for many types of financial aid.This application can be found at or obtained at the Financial Aid Office. full-time student - Students are considered full-time if they are registered for twelve or more credit hours in a semester.
Grade Point Average is the average grade earned by a student, figured by dividing the grade points earned by the number of credits attempted. See the Advising Website for details on how to calculate.
Students who owe immunization records, fees, or fail to return materials will have a business, library, admissions, or administrative hold placed on their account. This hold must be resolved before a student is permitted to register for further classes. If a hold is placed on their account, students should see an advisor or the office which placed the hold for information on how to clear their student account.
All matriculated students born after 1956 are required by Maine State Law to show proof of immunizations for measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria/tetanus. Additional immunizations are required in the Allied Health programs in order to meet the requirements of the clinical facilities.
A matriculated student is enrolled in a program at a college or university after meeting the academic standards required to be accepted for a course of further education.
Online Classes
Courses delivered through internet access. Many have required meeting times which are noted on a student’s schedule. KVCC uses Blackboard as the tool to deliver these courses.
Part-time Student
A part-time student is a student registered for fewer than twelve credit hours in a semester.
A pre-requisite is a required course that must be successfully completed before enrolling for another course.
Students may be placed on academic and/or financial aid probation if their academic record does not meet minimum grade requirements or academic progress.
The college official responsible for keeping records of such things as student enrollments, grades, and graduation requirements.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
is a measure used by Financial Aid. Students need to successfully complete 2/3 or 66% of their classes to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress and to continue to receive their financial aid.
Service-Learning seeks to engage individuals in activities that combine both community service and academic learning. Because service-learning programs are typically rooted in formal courses (core academic, elective, or vocational), the service activities are usually based on particular curricular concepts that are being taught.
Student Access system (SAS)
provides real-time access to grades, unofficial transcripts, class schedules, advisor, billing information, and other student-related information. Visit the College’s web site at
A syllabus includes course objectives, reading and exam schedules, requirements for attendance, and a summary of the main topics of a course of study or class.
Transfer Credits
credits awarded for course work completed at an institution of higher education. The grade must be a “C” or higher. The grade itself is not transferred, and is not computed in your GPA. It is the student’s responsibility to have Official transcripts forwarded to the Registrar in the Frye Building.
An official transcript is issued by the College and contains a master list of the courses a student has taken, the grade earned, and the cumulative grade point average.Official transcripts can be requested from the Academic Affairs Office in the Frye a $3.00 fee for a transcript. Same day service or faxed transcripts cost $10.00. Students can also print or view unofficial transcripts online through the SAS.
Undeclared Student
An undeclared student is one who is taking a class or classes but is not matriculated into any college program.
Work Study
Work study positions are available both on and off campus for students who are eligible as defined by Financial Aid. Students may earn money by performing job responsibilities and must be enrolled and attending College.