Writing Across the Social Sciences

What is a Peer Reviewed Article

Peer Reviewed Article is an article that has been reviewed by others in the field for accuracy and good methodology

  • These articles tend to appear in special publications called "Journals"
  • Nearly every field has a Journal of some kind where the latest research in the field is reported to others who are professionals and also interested in the field
  • Here is a VERY small list of some of the journals from the field of Psychology:
    • Asian American Journal of Psychology
    • Consulting Psychology Journal
    • Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
    • Health Psychology
    • Journal of Comparative Psychology
    • Neuropsychology
  • You won't find these at Barnes and Noble

If we were to look up information on "communication between men and women", here is an example of a typical peer reviewed article:

Junco, R., Merson, D., & Salter, D. W. (2010). The effect of gender, ethnicity, and income on college students' use of communication technologies. CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 13(6), 619-627.

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