Courses/Instructors at KVCC that Incorporate SL
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Bonnie Bishop
ART 110 (All Sections)
Bonnie has an ongoing relationship with The Memory Project/Books of Hope program out of Madison, WI. This organization produces printed books for distribution to displaced children in Uganda. The class collaborates on a book project which is then sent to Uganda.
Ann Davis / Annie Thompson

NUR 122
Students are required to complete 4-6 hours of community service.

NUR 224 & NUR 227
I am involved with the service learning experiences in both NUR224 (3rd semester) and NUR227, the health fair (4th semester). I have attached the “Focus Sheets” for each of those experiences.

Health Fair Focus Sheet
NUR 224-Nursing Service-Learning

Michelle Giroux

BUS 218 (All Sections)
Michelle requires a 20 hour mandatory service learning project for both her BUS-218-01 and BUS-218-OL. The project has to, in some way, relate to the business planning process--i.e. marketing plan, brochure design, part or all of a business plan, database creation, demographic surveying, etc. Students work collaboratively with the company and the instructor to complete the project. Then, they have to fill out the required KVCC paperwork, as well as pass in a reflection paper regarding their project.

Joel Goodstadt

PSY 101 (All Sections)
Joel has a voluntary (alternative to doing a research paper) 20-Service-Learning requirement. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student and reflection is completed written papers.

PSY 215 (All Sections)
Joel has a voluntary (alternative to doing a research paper) 20-Service-Learning requirement. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student and reflection is completed through written papers

SOC 101 (All Sections)
Joel has a voluntary (alternative to doing a research paper) 20-Service-Learning requirement. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student and reflection is completed through written papers

Mark Kavanaugh

PSY 101 (All Sections)
Mark has a mandatory 20-Service-Learning requirement. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student and reflection is completed through online quizzes and assessments

SOC 101 (All Sections)
Mark has a mandatory 20-Service-Learning requirement. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student and reflection is completed through online quizzes and assessments

PSY 220 (All Sections)
Mark has a mandatory 20-Service-Learning requirement. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student but must entail interaction with individuals in a Behavior Management context. Reflection and application of course material is expected to be advanced above the introductory level. It is recommended that students position themselves to be able to actually write and implement behavior plans in their location of choice.

Mark McCafferty

COM 104 (All Sections)

Students may choose to participate in an optional extra credit service learning project. The required service is 5 hours of actual service. In interactions with others, it is important that all communication be professional. This includes written, oral, face to face, over the phone, etc. as well as nonverbal communication such as appearance and cultural norms around time and respect for the space of those that we are serving.

A paper of two to three pages is part of the assignment that connects course material to the service experience, but students may also use their experience to build ethos in their problem / solution persuasive speeches. For example, having spent time serving for an organization that provides resources to the homeless in the community and then presenting a speech about the problems of homelessness in central Maine and ways we can reduce the problem and take action to help will work to build credibility.

Nursing Department Faculty

NUR 118/NUR 224
Flu Shot Clinics

NUR 227
Health Fair

NUR 224
Cancer Awareness Project

Anne Marie Simone
PSY 101 (All Sections)
Mark has a mandatory 20-Service-Learning requirement. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student and reflection is completed through journal entries.
Teresa Rael

SOC 101 (All Sections)
Teresa has students do a 20-Service-Learning requirement. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student.

SOC 203 (All Sections)
Teresa's Death and Dying class includes a group project with a community education focus.

Diane Suater-Davis

OTS 102/104/201
The OTA program has a mandatory 12-hour out of class Service-Learning requirement in both OTS 102 and OTS201. Service is completed at the location of choice by the student but must entail interaction with individuals based on particular course content. Reflection and application of course material is expected and increases from level I to level 2 coursework. Student must meet particular OTA learning criteria as part of this assignment. Students must interact and document interactions on a week by week basis.

Service learning in OTS 104 is based on group efforts and providing a service to both profession and community. At least six hours of is required.

For more information or to comment on this website please contact Mark Kavanaugh